Michael S. Morrison
Chief Executive Officer
Alias Morrison Financial, LLC participates in highly profitable business sectors that generally fall outside the box of conventional investment. We develop and fund our own projects.
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I always look forward to meeting new people and making new friends!
Character. Honor. Integrity
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Alias Morrison Financial LLC.
I grew up in Los Angeles, California and quite honestly was a good kid who managed to get himself into a lot of bad trouble. I learned valuable lessons from these terrible choices though graduating from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia in 1995.
Sometimes the road we take chooses us. I started my first business in a controversial industry to pay for law school. That one location turned into the 4th largest chain in America in its category grossing almost $200 million in sales by 2008. Unfortunately, success in a taboo industry had its downside as well. I was convicted of failing to declare income on $2.1 million. While this only represented one percent of my total revenue, it cost me a high price. I learned another valuable lesson. Life is full of its ups and downs. Learn to take the good with the bad. I am thankful for all of the success that I have had and I take responsibility for the good and the bad decisions that I have made. In the internet age none of us have any secrets. I prefer to disclose who I am because ultimately the decisions that we make shape us. I've learned the person that I want to be from these bad choices. Character. Honor. Integrity. These are the things that I believe in.
Alias Morrison Financial, LLC participates in highly profitable business sectors that generally fall outside the box of conventional investment. We develop and fund our own projects.